Sunday, December 2, 2007

back again

Hello again folks,
Sorry there hasn’t been a post for the last couple of weeks, but, unless you want to hear about us pulling tyres around, not a lot has been going on.
This weekend however, that has all changed. Had a very informative meeting with our guide, we went through the whole of the expedition’s itinerary, from training, through to how we will be getting off the icecap at the end of the journey. The training, obviously this involves “tyre pulling”, on top of this, I have enrolled in a local gym, which I am hoping to attend in the mornings before work and if I have the energy, some nights on the way home! Not sure how many mornings that I will be going, but, I would like to get it up to 4-5 times a week by the new year.
Now that I have a bit more information about the trip, I will be able to write future entry’s as they become relevant
Hope to post again soon.


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