Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Down jacket

This week, the down jacket; this jacket is part of the Rab 8000 m range. This jacket will primarily used when we stop for breaks and stetting up camp. There are eight huge pockets, so plenty of room for camera, I-pod, and food. It will be important to keep anything electronic warm along the journey, as the cold strips any battery power. Also the hood is fantastic; I’d say that this jacket is better than most sleeping bags that I have owned.
Which brings me to “The weather” Found a site today, giving details from around the world. http://weather.weatherbug.co.uk/ looking just before I wrote this the temperature in Greenland is, - high -18 low -20.
Looking forward to meeting our guide in a couple of weeks, it will be great to actually get a training programme so that we can see some progress.
Have got e-mails coming in all the time, it is hard trying to do your regular job, and also all the work for the trip. Hopefully it will all settle down after we have had the first training weekend and we will know exactly what we are doing.
Take care for now.

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